1425 McHenry Road, Suite 204, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
●Free Initial Consultation
Lake County Aggravated Speeding Defense Attorney

Traffic Ticket Defense in Lake County, Illinois
For most speeding tickets the worst outcomes are fines, traffic school and possibly court supervision. If you are stopped while going 26 or more miles per hour over the speed limit, however, you can be charged with the criminal offense of aggravated speeding. At the The Law Offices of Matthew R. Gebhardt, P.C., we are experienced in representing clients facing aggravated speeding charges. Our Buffalo Grove aggravated speeding lawyer helps clients avoid the harsh consequences of these charges and get back on the road.
Aggravated Speeding Charges in Illinois
Aggravated speeding is not taken lightly in the State of Illinois. In Illinois, speeding 26 mph or more over the posted speed limit is classified as a Class B misdemeanor criminal offense. It is considered a crime punishable by up to six (6) months in jail and up to a $1,500 fine.
An aggravated speeding charge of speeding 35 mph or more over the posted speed limit is a Class A misdemeanor that is punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. As of January 1, 2011, however, penalties for aggravated speeding became even more severe. Judges are now prohibited from ordering court supervision for these charges. Consequently, if you plead guilty to or are found guilty of this charge, you will have a conviction entered into your criminal record, and it will not be eligible for expungement.
It is more important now than ever to hire an experienced attorney to represent you if you are charged with aggravated speeding. A former prosecutor, Attorney Matthew R. Gebhardt is a skilled negotiator and litigator. He knows how to effectively advocate for his clients. Wherever possible he will seek to have the charges against you dropped or reduced. A lot of people foolishly plead guilty to these charges without consulting an attorney and have to suffer lasting consequences as a result. Don’t make that mistake.
If you have been charged with aggravated speeding, contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your situation. From our Buffalo Grove office we serve clients throughout Lake County. From just a small sampling of our files, our aggravated speeding lawyer is currently representing individuals from Buffalo Grove, Long Grove, Highwood, Park City, Round Lake Beach and Mundelein.