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Illinois State Police Look for “Fatal Four” Among Drunk Drivers

 Posted on October 31,2014 in Illinois attorney

rolling-meadows-dui-defense-lawyerRolling Meadows criminal defense lawyer, DUI defense The Illinois State Police Department has joined with the state’s Department of Transportation with renewed efforts to reduce the number of drunk driving incidents on the road. Their campaign “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” focuses on raising awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving.

The most recent twist on the campaign involves a familiar face for fans of the popular tv show “The Walking Dead.” Social media also plays a big part in these efforts to share the message with drivers commonly associated with drunk driving incidents, such as college students.

The number of fatal drunk driving accidents have reduced since last year, according to a DOT law enforcement representative, but there has still be an estimated 1,000 people over the past fours years who have died as a result of alcohol-related crashes in Illinois.

Law enforcement across the state went into full effect during last month’s Labor Day weekend and the more aggressive patrol is scheduled for upcoming holiday weekends and other notable times when drunk driving incidents may be on the rise.

In an article from the Quad-City Times, the Illinois State Police captain stated that officers are, “looking out for the “fatal four” among drivers: speeding, driving under the influence, not wearing a seatbelt and distracted driving.” Any of these non-compliances with the law put drivers and passengers on the road in danger, but the combination of the four can be fatal. An Illinois State University student knows this all too well, as it was reported that her friend was killed and she was wheelchair-bound for months as a result of a drunk driving crash.

It is important to understand limitations and rules of the road at all times. Driving under the influence can have long-term effects for you and anyone else involved. If you are in need of DUI legal counsel or advice in Illinois, contact a Rolling Meadows criminal defense attorney today.

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